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¹6 2012 (28)
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Date Item Title Author Hits
Wednesday, 09 January 2013 The effectiveness of prophylaxis system of perinatal pathology indicators of parents satisfaction by quality and volume of spent actions. V.I. Starodubov, V.S. Stupak, I.M. Son, O.M. Filkina, E.A. Vorobieva 15786
Wednesday, 09 January 2013 Infantile mortality in Russia: the issue of verified registration L.P. Sukhanova, N.N. Bushmelyova, Z.Kh. Sorokina 33110
Wednesday, 09 January 2013 Scientific-organizational aspects of ensuring the quality of rendering medical assistance in multi-field hospital T.N. Baklanova, V.K. Popovich, I.B. Shikina 21023
Wednesday, 09 January 2013 Influence of family and demographic status on health and self-evaluation of health A.B. Sinelnikov 20196
Thursday, 24 January 2013 Demographic situation in Novgorod region: current state, dynamics, trends V.Yi. Lisitsin, P.Yu. Fedchenko 29401
Thursday, 24 January 2013 Evaluation of the contribution of external causes of death in the change of life expectancy in Russia in the 1990-2010 V. Yumaguzin, M.Vinnik 22021
Thursday, 24 January 2013 Influence of body mass index on heart rate variability in students during periods of relative rest and exam stress Dimitriev D.A., Karpenko Y.D., Dimitriev A.D. 21386
Thursday, 24 January 2013 Medical economic evaluation of hospital costs linked to quality of inpatient care for burning injury A.Yu. Unizhayeva, S.A. Martynchik 30235
Thursday, 24 January 2013 The problem to use information on the biological characteristics of mycobacterium tuberculosis for tb control in Russia S.A. Popov, T.P. Sabgayda 19098
Thursday, 24 January 2013 Quality grade of health care for tuberculosis when juxtaposed to federal program endpoints O.B. Netchayeva, Ye.Yi. Skatchkova, O.K. Biragova 22059
Thursday, 24 January 2013 Age and gender characterisitcs of syphilis patients in 2006-2011 A.V. Polev, A.E. Gaidarova, O.V. Romanova, O.V. Porshina, V.S. Shapovalov 17921
Thursday, 24 January 2013 Modern-time staff-provision for information-support of operation of a medical facility E.V. Dubrovina 26164
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