DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-62-4-10
1Bashmakov O.A., 1Aliev A.K., 2Karimova, D.Yu.
1Institute of advanced training of the Federal Medial and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia
2A.I. Burnazyan Institute of postgraduate professional education, Federal Medial and Biological Agency
Contacts: Bashmakov O.A., e - mail:
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Information about authors:
Bashmakov O.
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Currently, healthcare management is
impossible without adequate and evidence-based selection of managers and
their special training in all related topics.
A step-wise solution of problems related to maintenance and
development of human resources ensures a more rational use of healthcare
resources providing a framework for quality improvement of medical
Modernization of the Russian healthcare requires adjustment of
methods and technologies to manage the principal healthcare resource –
its personnel, adding new contents to the personnel management to ensure
incorporation with the strategic approach and new effective models of
cooperation with the social environment.
Purpose: to substantiate importance of using sociological methods to improve personnel management technologies.
Methods. The study used expert appraisals, statistical
methods, T-survey method and mathematical modelling. The survey used a
combined sampling method.
Results. The study showed that technologization of
staffing processes is a totally new approach in the management science
and is crucially important for improving performance of the Russian
The term “technology” as a complex of professional knowledge about
methods and means for achieving organization’s goals and objectives
arises from the Greek “techno” – skill and “logos” – science, theory.
The purpose of the management technologization is optimization and
regulation of the staffing processes.
It is necessary to develop frameworks to ensure guaranteed
achievement of the purpose of adequate staffing in health. Such approach
substantially corresponds to the definition of technologization
presented by professors V.N. Ivanov and V.I. Patrushev: “strictly
consistent and clearly defined statement of rules to be followed in
order to translate initial data into the envisaged result of the
managerial task solution”. That’s why it seems practical to technologize
management of human resources in the healthcare system.
Keywords: management; human resources in healthcare; technologization; managerial tasks.
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