Sinelnikov A.B.
Faculty of Sociology. Moscow State Lomonosov University, Moscow
The resume. The goal of this article is a study
of influence of demographic and family status of Russian respondents on
theirs evaluations of public health service, and also a comparison of
public opinion about public health service in Russia and in 27 European
The article is based on statistical and sociological analysis of data of 4th
round of ESS - European Social Survey 2008. The author compares the
evaluations of public health service in 28 countries-participants of ESS
project (including Russia). As an integral indicator, a mean ball of
evaluation by respondents of public health service is used. Scale of
evaluation is from 0 balls («Extremely bad») to 10 balls («Extremely
Mean evaluation of own national public health service by Russian
respondents is 3.56 balls. It is less than in 23 from 28 countries.
More high evaluations are typical for respondents below 30 years old.
Serious problems of health are relatively rarely and less actual for
them than for older respondents who evaluate public health service much
more low than young people.
Family and demographic status of respondents also provide influence
on their evaluations. Married women living with children evaluate public
health service higher than childless married women (or living without
children). However, there are no significant difference between
evaluations of public health service by married men with or without
children. Probably men’s evaluations are based on experience in medical
care connected predominantly with their own diseases. Women’s
evaluations are based on experience of medical care connected both with
their own diseases and diseases of their children.
Even in the groups of respondents with relatively higher evaluations
of public health service (in comparison with all another groups), these
evaluations are less than 5 balls. It is less than a middle of the
evaluation scale. All demographic groups of respondents (in spite of the
same differences among them) are not satisfy with the public health
service in the Russian Federation. It once again forces to reflect
seriously on public health service problems in our country.
Keywords: public health service, evaluation, demographic status, family status, public opinion
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