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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow The first results of the program aimed at reducing cardiovascular mortality: pilot regions on the background of Russia
The first results of the program aimed at reducing cardiovascular mortality: pilot regions on the background of Russia Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

Semyonova V.G., Evdokushkina G.N.
Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow

The goal of the work is to assess changes in mortality caused by cardiological diseases in the pilot regions in 2009, that is the first year of realization of the Federal program on reduction of mortality caused by cardiovascular diseases. The situation in 2009 was compared to previous changes in 2005-2008 that would make it possible to reveal the changes caused by measures undertaken.

The research was based on the Rosstat data on the mortality rate caused by blood circulation diseases, as a whole, cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic heart diseases, myocardial infarction, and the block of the mortality reasons which are registered as « other heart diseases » according to the brief nomenclature of mortality reasons, which is used now in Russia. The analysis of indicators has been carried in view of person’s age and gender : men and women of employable ages (20-59 years) and the elderly (60 years and more).

It is shown that in 2009 a notable rise in positive tendencies of 2005-2008 was registered in all leading pathologies in employable ages, and, first of all, in cerebrovascular diseases in the elderly.

Changes in cardiological mortality in 2009 can be considered as positive for the overwhelming majority of the Russian territories by the following reasons: a tendency of parameter’s growth changed to its decrease in no less than 2/3 of all regions; acceleration of the positive tendencies marked in the last year was registered; in very little number of territories a reduction in parameters’ growth was registered that may be considered as a positive fact.

The situation in the pilot territories corresponds to all-Russian tendencies, but its development proceeds under the optimum script. In 2009, changes of negative tendencies to positive were observed in the pilot regions both in cardiological mortality as a whole, and the mortality caused by the basic pathologies.

The possible causes of underassessment of cardiological mortality rate in the elderly population were revealed (symptoms, indicators and indeterminate diagnosis ) that brings into a question the achievements of regions, in which the death rate caused by indeterminate diagnosis in the elderly population is higher than the death rate averaged by the country.

Offers for improving the monitoring of the Program of reduction cardiovascular mortality are formulated. First, not only dynamics of mortality rate caused by blood circulation diseases as a whole should be taken into consideration while monitoring, but also mortalitycaused by the basic cardiological pathologies together with mortality caused by «Symptoms, indicators and indeterminate diagnosis». Second, monitoring should be carried out for the basic gender/age groups (employable and elderly men and women), that is determined by different measures undertaken to reduce losses in these groups of the population.

Key words: the program on reduction of cardiovascular mortality death rate, mortality caused by blood circulation diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic heart diseases, other heart diseases, alcoholic cardiomyopathy, undetermined cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarct, distribution of the Russian regions by rates of changes in cardiovascular mortality rate, symptoms, indicators and indeterminate diagnosis.


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