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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Features of reference to a doctor in employable- age population with blood circulation diseases according the MHI data (by an example of Krasnoyarsk)
Features of reference to a doctor in employable- age population with blood circulation diseases according the MHI data (by an example of Krasnoyarsk) Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

Gaas E.N., Modestov A.A.
City policlinic ¹1, Krasnoyarsk

The goal of the work is to study analytical opportunities of the MHI data for more profound examination of the population morbidity . In the article, the results of the analysis of population visiting a doctor are analyzed in comparison with the statistical report data using as an example cardiovascular diseases with a wide spectrum of diagnoses with taking into consideration patients’ age and gender, the number of disease cases during one year, disease duration, the number of visiting a doctor and cost of services provided.

The study has shown that unlike the principles of generating the statistics of diseases MHI statistics generalizes not disease cases but cases of references to medical care. Such approach overestimates essentially (in several times) the level of morbidity and deforms its structure due to greater representation of mild disease cases, which most often are the reasons of visiting a doctor. So, the leading positions in morbidity in people younger than 30 years and senior employable-age persons of 45-59 years hold the diseases, which are characterized by hypertension; they include from 40% to 50 % of references to medical care with blood circulation diseases . So, MHI statistics cannot be used as an information source to study morbidity with an existing approach to data collection.

At the same time, the MHI approach makes it possible to assess the distribution of medical care by various kinds of pathology in time and financial indicators. The analysis has shown that in all groups of employable-age population the diseases with high disability and lethal risks are not considered as high-priority at distribution of medical care provision. Even for the senior employable-age population of 45-59 years, the expenses for heart attack treatment are 0.3 % of the total expenses for treatment of cardiovascular pathology, expenses for stenocardia treatment are 3.3 %. Such a distribution of time and financial expenses becomes the factor of early disability and premature mortality in persons with the given pathology.

The current situation is largely defined by the ideology of the municipal order, which is based exclusively on volumetric and financial indicators and states the importance of performing the plan on volumes of medical care provided in health care facilities instead of reduction in population health losses.

Key words: by-person morbidity data, cardiovascular diseases , employable- age population.


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