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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Comparison of the data on morbidity received by the method of poll with the objective data
Comparison of the data on morbidity received by the method of poll with the objective data Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

Podsvirova T.E.
Russian State Medical University, Moscow

In the work, consideration is given to the data on population morbidity received by two different methods. The goal of research is definition of validity of the data on morbidity obtained by using a method of questioning patients. These data have been compared to the personified data base of the insured population. For the research, the data for 6 years from 2002 till 2007 have been taken. About 3000 questionnaires were collected and analyzed every year. Comparing separately the data of questioning for different years made it possible to get comparable and explained results. The data on the morbidity received by the method of interrogation have been compared to the objective data of personified data base in the categories of general morbidity and structure of disease. At the first stage, the analysis has been made for the total number of interrogated persons, on the second and the subsequent stages – for various categories of the population by gender, age and education. The results of the work indicate that the questioning data almost completely coincide with the objective information in the general morbidity and structure of diseases. The research indicated that both men and women equally objectively assess their health. Presence or absence of higher education in the respondents does not influence the objectivity in assessment of their health. The respondent’s age have no impact on the objectivity of health assessment as well. The results of the work testify to the validity of interrogation method application for the analysis of situation with population health in our country regardless of respondents’ gender, age and education. If the questions of the questionnaire are formulated correctly, it is possible to define both general morbidity and a structure of disease in various categories of the population using the data received.

Key words: population morbidity, disease structure, questioning, personified register, objectivity of self-assessment.


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