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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Features of mortality rate in rural population of Republic of Bashkortostan
Features of mortality rate in rural population of Republic of Bashkortostan Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

Kudryavtsev A.A.1, Vorobyev V.M.2
1 - Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow
2 – 2nd city clinical hospital, Ivanovo

In the article, consideration is given to an analysis of mortality in rural and urban populations caused by basic mortality causes by gender relation in Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) in comparison with the Privolzhsky (Volga) Federal District and the Russian Federation for 1989-2008.

The population mortality rate is one of population health indicators; so, fast growth of this indicator gives rise to concern. The mortality rate has increased in the Russian Federation by 1.5 times since 1990 till 2008. Mortality is the most painful issue of the demographic development in Russia today, especially in rural areas. About 2.3 million persons die in the Russian Federation per year; it is 2 times more than in Europe and the USA in recalculation by 100 thousand population.

A growth in mortality rate in men of rural and urban areas in Republic of Bashkortostan has made 21.9% and 14.3% for 20 years (1989 – 2008). The growth in mortality rate in women has made 20.0% in rural and 5.1% in urban areas respectively. As a whole, the same tendencies were observed in the Privolzhsky Federal District and the Russian Federation. In Republic of Bashkortostan, a growth in mortality in rural population was nearly the same as in the Privolzhsky Federal District (23.6 % and 18.3 % for men and women respectively); as against, the mortality growth in the Russian Federation was lower (15.8 % and 12.0 %).

The comparison of mortality rates in men and women in rural areas is of great interest. In rural areas, mortality caused by all causes is 2 times higher in male population than in female population. Mortality caused by the following reasons: traumas and poisonings, indeterminate diagnosis , respiratory diseases, and communicable diseases is significantly higher in men than in women.

In the Privolzhsky Federal District and the Russian Federation the given relations have remained. In the Privolzhsky Federal District and the Russian Federation, mortality caused by all causes is 2.1 times higher in rural male population then in women. The mortality caused by respiratory diseases is 5 times higher in the Privolzhsky Federal District (in the Russian Federation – 4.2). The mortality caused by traumas and poisonings in rural male population exceeded mortality in women by 4.3 in the Privolzhsky Federal District (in the Russian Federation – 4.2).

The results of research have shown that mortality rate had more negative character in rural population of RB than in urban population. Mortality rate in male rural population was considerably higher than in female population; it was registered both in RB as well as in the Privolzhsky (Volga) Federal District and the Russian Federation.

Keywords: mortality rate, rural population, demographic processes.


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