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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Lifestyle of low-income rural families and their children’s morbidity
Lifestyle of low-income rural families and their children’s morbidity Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

Lebedev D.Yu.
Achinsk central district hospital, Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk region

The goal of the research is to determine predictors, which characterize the interrelation between children’s health and their parents’ lifestyle and family welfare.

By an example of the rural area of Krasnoyarsk territory, social and hygienic features of lifestyle in 150 low-income families and their children’s morbidity have been studied in comparison with the control group of 150 children living in high-income families in the same area.

The research carried out made it possible to form a social and hygienic portrait of a poor rural family having children. Its basic features are: incomplete family or not registered marriage, a low family income and a low level of educational in mothers and fathers, repeated family conflicts, unsatisfactory housing conditions, low qualified work, low health care activity, and some other risk factors.

It is revealed that children in poor rural families belong to a group of health and social risk; they need address preventive and hygienic actions for health promotion at a family level. The morbidity level registered by the number of visits to a doctor is 1.35 times higher in children from poor families than in children of the same age in the control group. After a profound medical examination, newly revealed diseases were registered 1.6 times more in children of the basic group than in the control group. At assessing children’s physical development, a physical developmental delay was registered in more than a half children from poor families (52.5 %) compared to 20 % in children from the control group. Thus, almost one in three in the basic group (32.1 %) had a chronic pathology.

The information resulted from the research has been used as a basis for development of addressing actions for health promotion in children from poor families. It is shown that the actions aimed at reducing children morbidity and improving child-parenting should have a differentiated character with attracting necessary financial resources from the municipal budget as well as charitable and public organizations. A special attention should be turned on nutrition and health preventive measures in schools for the category of children examined.

Key words: low-income families, lifestyle, rural population, morbidity, social portrait.


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