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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow New criteria of yield efficiency of academic and high school medical science in Russia
New criteria of yield efficiency of academic and high school medical science in Russia Print
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

V.I. Starodubov, N.G. Kurakova, L.A. Tsvetkova
Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow

The resume. A recently launched structural modernization of generating of medical knowledge in RF is under discussion in this study. The study shows that the following criteria of assessment of yield efficiency of educational and scientific establishments are viable from now on: internationally acknowledged scientific research results, publication activity of individual researchers, as well as of the whole staff community, activities of research and educational institutes in commercialization of products obtained from their intellectual property. Scientific metric measures of the Strategy of Innovative Development till 2020 were also discussed in this study. New requirements of the Supreme Skills Certification Commission to publications of fellows were subjected to analysis as well.

It is noted that a modern model of funding scientific research in Russia will take into consideration the above mentioned criteria. For this reason, bibliometric measures of research activity of scientific research institutes has become a factor of capitalization.

This study depicted certain features in Russian horizon of medical researches differing it from the other countries, and evaluated the availability and comprehension of originally Russian language scientific resource for the global medical community, also assessed rating of scientific establishments of Russia worldwide, postulated the signs of peer-reviewed journals in Russia. Recommendations for enhanced availability and cited frequency were elaborated for Russian publications on issues of medicine and public health.

It is stated that upon the results of assessment of the efficiency of educational and research centers through the period of 2011-14, a reduction in number of 10-15% of such establishments of scientific research sphere (if it turns out that they are not really committed to scientific activity) with subsequent changing of the activity profile is to be fulfilled. And more than 20% of them are to be partially intra-restructured on the way of eliminating scientifically inefficient divisions. These potential perturbations being in store, every research or educational center should reconsider the importance of an active publication strategy.

Key words: medical journals in Russia , bibliometric measures, publication activity, cited frequency.


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