Modernized public health of Tomsk region: regional pilot project |
Wednesday, 01 June 2011 |
Banin S.A.
Department of public health of Tomsk Region
The resume. Financial economic, as well as structural organizational means of this Regional pilot project for modernized public health in Tomsk Region enabled us to develop new ways for effective control of medical establishments and the whole system of public health in the region.
Main financial economic means of Regional pilot project for modernized public health in Tomsk Region included single canal funding through obligatory medical insurance; introduction of full tariff payments for medical services; per capita funding of outpatient population-based facilities; new mechanisms of partial possessing of material funds.
Main structural organizational means of Regional pilot project for modernized public health in Tomsk Region included boosting of primary medical care; certain restructuring of specialized medical care; inclusion of more inpatient facilities in the system of possessing of funds; more strict standardization for medical care services; development and introduction of “ISKUS” software product for full range of medical statistical accounts.
Key words: single canal funding, full tariff medical care, outpatient population-based facilities, per capita funding, inpatient population-based facilities, material funds, partial possessing.
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 15 June 2011 )