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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow Special medical assistance to the surgical inpatients with concomitant allergies
Special medical assistance to the surgical inpatients with concomitant allergies Print
Wednesday, 01 June 2011

Obolenskaya T.Yi., M.Morozov Yu., Turchina M.S., Volobuyev O.A.


The resume. Background: Medical maintenance of surgical inpatients with concomitant allergies at the hospital is quite a problem since there is a danger of aggravation of allergic disease and development of complications of the main pathology.

The aim of the study: to investigate into the causes and special patterning of allergy manifestations in surgical inpatients.

Materials and methods: All in all 1,169 patients of the surgical department of the Regional clinic hospital had been recruited to select 130 patients with a concomitant allergic pathology. Examination and treatment of patients were carried out according to the routine techniques and along the certified standards.

The analysis performed showed that allergic reactions were often induced through the treatment of the major pathology. Three patients (or not readily confirmed four patients) with allergic response had prominent manifestation. Allergic and surgical pathologies tended to mutually aggravate the situation creating the reasons for extended mean period of stay in intensive therapy PO units (1.4-foldly) and mean treatment period (1.2-foldly), as well as enlarged number of complications (3-foldly) and mortality cases (1.6-foldly).

Analysis of this evidence showed that these negative deviations were associated with absence/deficiency of certain measures: of baseline therapy of chronic allergic diseases, of counter-allergic preparation prior to operation, of intra-surgery counter-allergic care, of counter-allergic PO follow-up. Examination and management of the patients with concomitant bronchial asthma in the majority of cases was carried out with violation of standards of treatment of this pathology.

Failure to follow the principles of routine medical assistance caused increased recurrence, delay in surgical assistance (in 3.9% cases), switch to emergency counter-allergic therapy (in 5.4% cases).

Thus, combination of surgical pathology and an allergy in the same patient caused mutual deteriorative effect. In case surgery was needed, the patients of this category should have been rendered anti-allergic maintenance within the whole period of surgical treatment and postoperatively. Such measures as advanced training in treating allergies, decent medical registry, preferably referral-basis in rendering successive allergic assistance to the admitted surgical patients, sufficient technical and medication supply will make it possible to improve medical maintenance of surgical inpatients with the concomitant allergy.

Key words: allergy, surgical pathology, bronchial asthma, medical maintenance, organization.


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