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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow №2 2011 (18) arrow The situation with changing measures of children’s health condition and the problem of sanitary epidemiologic welfare of children establishments in RF
The situation with changing measures of children’s health condition and the problem of sanitary epidemiologic welfare of children establishments in RF Print
Wednesday, 01 June 2011

Milushkina O.Yu.
The Russian State Medical University, Moscow

The resume. Current demographic crisis in Russia has a profound basis and protracted character, and it will not just go away, the economic problems once being solved. The situation with this crisis definitely necessitates the enhanced availability and quality of medical care for the people, and that implies significant material expenses, and with that being provided, the adequate medical care as it is, nevertheless, would not solve the problem of elevating health condition of the population.

Negative medical demographic situation, reduced QOL, worsening of population’s health condition, arisen from current difficulties of the social economic transformation in Russia, put a younger generation in the category of one of the most vulnerable contingents of the population. Screening and safeguarding of health condition of the rising generation constitute one of the main approaches to reduced morbidity in generations next to come, and it is reduced morbidity that could really lead to fortification of our economic resources and future consolidation of the state position.

This means that the problem of health condition of current younger generation is quite an urgent issue, propulsive for it’s vigorous study.

Analysis of morbidity of 0-14yr children during the past decade (2000-9) was performed, and the nosology structure for the 2009 year was highlighted. Changes in sanitary hygienic features of RF establishments for children were defined using the allotted groups of these establishments along their sanitary epidemiologic welfare, material and technical levels, major environmental factors, including nutrition of registered children.

The worldwide and our national experience confirms that the priority of medical prevention for rising generation is important for the future of every nation, because just in the younger age, a citizen factually acquires behavior patterns, and a healthy/unhealthy life-style is being created for the rest of the life span.

Institutions of public health are predominantly engaged in solving the problems of diagnosis and treatment, while the wide range of primary disease prevention is not wholly embraced, for this reason a multi-systemic approach is expedient as a practical end, if it could be propelled by the idea of enhancing health condition on the motivated basis for disease prevention and safeguarding of health, especially for rising generations.

Key words: children, health condition, changes in measures, morbidity, sanitary epidemiologic welfare, establishments for children.


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Comments (1)
1. 22-09-2011 23:27
В заключении указан термин "корреспондируют". 
Что он означает и где расчеты, позволяющие делать такие утверждения? Описательные статистики, проведенные в статье - это не доказательство.  
Таким образом, показатели заболеваемости детского населения корреспондируют с условиями обучения и воспитания детей, в связи с этим оптимизация материально-технической базы и обеспечение выполнения санитарно-эпидемиологических требовании в детских учреждениях могут способствовать укреплению здоровья детей."
Written by Sergey Soshnikov ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) (Guest)

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