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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow Analysis of results of medical examination of children attending pre-school educational centers (psec) in the city of Novokuznetsk
Analysis of results of medical examination of children attending pre-school educational centers (psec) in the city of Novokuznetsk Print
Wednesday, 01 June 2011

Fadeeva A.E.1, Zhilina N.M.1, Chechenin G.I.1, Rukas T.I.2, Chertenkova G.I.2
1 - Municipal establishment «Sectional centre of medical information and analysis», Novokuznetsk
2 - Municipal independent educational institution "Family Centre ", Novokuznetsk

The resume. Background: The study was performed within the framework of social hygienic monitoring program entitled "Health and Environment" and was a result of functioning of municipal automated information system for teacher monitoring activities entitled «Health of Preschoolers».

The purpose was to estimate health measures of children and to form a group of health prosperous PSECs and a group of health-at-risk PSECs among the preschool educational institutions of Novokuznetsk which is a large industrial center of Siberia.

Methods and Materials: A systemic research was performed. To form groups of pre-school institutions differing by level of health prosperity, a cluster analysis was applied. The statistical significance of differences in qualitative characteristics in the resulting clusters was tested using the criterion χ2. As the tool for this study, the statistical package SPSS, version 13.0 was chosen.

Data were obtained from medical examination of 2,238 children in 30 preschool educational institutions of Novokuznetsk, which were successively classified along four categories of children’s health (two polar groups were formed for each category): level of physical development; predominant type of physical development; health groups distribution; identified diseases. The cluster analysis was implemented for three categories: level of physical development, predominant type of physical development, health groups distribution. Analysis of identified diseases was performed as a comparison of factual registry of every PSEC with the mean value of the whole pool of PSECs in the city of Novokuznetsk, and all PSECs were accordingly classified as health prosperous (or safe) or health unsuccessful (or at risk).

Results: According to the level of physical development, all PSECs were divided into two clusters: 1st cluster (=prosperous) of PSECs had pupils at the level of physical development being mostly normal, 2nd cluster of PSECs had children with tendency to deviated level of physical development.

According to predominant type of physical development, all PSECs were divided into two clusters: 1st cluster (=prosperous) of PSECs had large proportion of pupils of harmonious type, 2nd cluster (=unsuccessful) of PSECs had significantly less proportion of pupils of harmonious type.

According to health groups distribution, all PSECs were divided into two clusters: 1st cluster (safe) of PSECs had more large (compared to city’s mean value/the 2nd cluster) proportion of pupils with 1st and 2nd health groups, 2nd cluster (at risk) of PSECs had significantly larger proportion of pupils with 3rd health group.

The measure of identified diseases was most favorable in PSECs Nos.259, 5,and 16. All three establishments had the level of physical development of children fitting for the 1st cluster (normal), the predominant type of physical development fitting for the 1st cluster (prosperous - that implied the large proportion of harmoniously developed children), the health groups distribution fitting for the 1st cluster (safe - having very small proportion of pupils with 3rd health group). The poorest situation on the measure of identified diseases was in PSECs Nos. 74, 172, 128, and 206, which obviously formed the risk group.

Discussion: Recommendations to the latter ones had been issued:

1. To PSEC No.74: to pay attention to a condition of a bearing of children and a condition of respiratory organs;

2. To PSEC No. 172 : to pay attention to type of physical development of children, as there was very big proportion of children with a pathology of feet and with bearing infringement;

3. To PSEC No.128: to consider the situation with large proportion of children with neuropathology and a residual manifestation of rickets;

4. To PSEC NO.206: to pay attention to a condition of respiratory organs of children, and to consider the situation with large proportion of children with a residual manifestation of rickets.

To PSECs prosperous for level of physical development, predominant type of physical development, health groups distribution no alarming recommendation were issued.

Conclusion: Differentiation of preschool educational facilities along health prosperous and risky ones, could be helpful for identifying units seeking special attention of public health services.

Key words: children of preschool age, health preservation, health development , health measures, monitoring of health, population, cluster analysis, children in kindergartens.


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Last Updated ( Thursday, 09 June 2011 )
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