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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow Social and professional structure of tuberculosis incidence and its influence on indicators characterizing epidemiologic situation on tuberculosis in Urals
Social and professional structure of tuberculosis incidence and its influence on indicators characterizing epidemiologic situation on tuberculosis in Urals Print
Thursday, 02 June 2011

Podgayeva V.A.1, Golubev D.N.1, Chernyaev I.A.1, Shulev P.L.2
1 Ural research institute for Phthiziopulmonology, Yekaterinburg
2 Ural State Medical Academó, Yekaterinburg

The resume. Certain variables of social and professional structure in tuberculosis (TB) incidence were taken into account as factors influencing epidemiological situation on tuberculosis.

The aim of the study was to investigate into the influence of social and professional characteristics of TB incidence registered at anti-tuberculosis facilities on general epidemiological indicators in Ural area.

Materials and Methods: 2008 year data, mostly containing information on medical and social characteristics of new TB cases from two Districts of Urals (Kurgan and Permskyi Regions), were based on registration forms “Notification: incidence of tuberculosis/relapse of tuberculosis” (Form #089/u-tub) and data from electronic health records of patients from anti-tuberculosis facilities. 2,334 cases all in all were included in the study.

The choice of Kurgan and Permskij Regions as objects of interest was inspired by taking into account that these Districts were noted as Regions of low and moderate phthisiology risk by the results of integral assessment of epidemiological situation on tuberculosis in Russia in 2003-2008.

26 medical and social factors were determined for this investigation, including gender, age, residence location, living conditions, social and professional status, location of TB incidental case detection, techniques of TB case detection, date and results of previous chest X-ray, history of previous observation in anti-tuberculosis facility-registered cohort, location of present dispensary registry, the properly established and confirmed diagnosis of “tuberculosis”, pattern of tuberculosis, stage of tuberculosis, cavernous stage, bacterial excretion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, concomitant diseases, pertinence to any risk group for tuberculosis.

Calculation of integral indicator, characterizing epidemiological situation on tuberculosis in Districts of Urals, had been done according to R.A. Khalfin's method, and had been based upon the data from state statistical reporting forms #8 “Information about active tuberculosis cases” and #33 “Information about tuberculosis patients” .

Medical and social characteristics of new TB cases were described for two Regions of Russian Federation.

Results: The significant (p<0.05) impact of 17 out of 26 indicators affecting epidemiological situation on tuberculosis in the investigated Districts of Ural area was determined.

Conclusion. Significant impact of studied here medical and social characteristics of TB incidence on epidemiological situation in these two Regions prospectively should induce a principally different model of formation of anti-tuberculosis activities.

Key words: tuberculosis, social and professional characteristics, epidemiological situation, risk group.


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