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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow On personnel issues of public health with special focus on pediatric service
On personnel issues of public health with special focus on pediatric service Print
Thursday, 02 June 2011

Armashevskaya O.V.
Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow

The resume. Public health service constitutes one of the main elements for preserving and enhancing general health condition of the population. Its adequate functioning depends upon the professional skills and qualification training of medical and pharmaceutical staff as main resource of public health.

The Concept of personnel policy in public health of Russian Federation has been designed in 2002 in accordance with governmental course in public health. Despite the effect of this Concept, certain problems on this way still linger on. There exists lack of scientific foundations for planning the required number of medical personnel; lack of specialized pre-professional selection at the stage of admission to medical high schools and institutes; discrepancy between quantity, as well as structure of medical personnel, on the one hand, and medical activities’ volume, on the other; loose quantitative and structural adaptation of medical staff contingent to newly formulated purposes and emerging trends of reforming public health; disproportionate structure of medical staff as concerns general practitioners and specialized staff, physicians and nurses, as well as inter-location discrepancies; poorly provided conditions for continuing post-graduate education. Such negative moments as low social security of public health servicemen, physically and emotionally hard labor of a physician, psychological burden through frequent implications for public health as providing services not cure…all these moments do not favor engagement of qualified staff in public health, and even potentiate the trend of escaping of young specialists from public health. Such situation is aggravated by scarce involvement of professional public organizations in solving personnel issues.

This analysis of the last decade statistical changes (with regional differentiation) in medical staff resources in pediatric service of Russian Federation enables us to put forward certain propositions for solving the mentioned problems.

Key words: personnel issues in public health, pediatric service, medical staff statistics, post-graduate education.


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