Sharafutdinov M.A.
Bashkortostan state medical university
The Resume. Evaluation of quality of medical care as an
important measure of medical establishment could be provided on
intra-/extra-establishment basis. In the system of obligatory medical
care, it is the medical insurance companies that provide
extra-establishment evaluation.
Results of evaluation of quality of medical care for patients with
gynecological diseases by the experts of medical insurance companies
are presented here in comparison with the results of such
intra-establishment evaluation. Treatment outcomes, diagnostic
investigations selected, quality of diagnosis-making and of medical care
were assessed through the experts analysis for 819 inpatients. 94.9%
inpatients did not overpass the age of implied capacity for work.
Experts verified 94.2% of the diagnoses. 94.5% of inpatients had been
released on convalescence grounds. The analysis of release registry
revealed that (along the medical economic standards) 84.5% of inpatients
received timely release, 11.5% - premature, 4% - delayed. Prescribed
diagnostic measures were not performed in 28.8% of cases.
Evaluations of experts of medical insurance companies decreased the
measure of controlled medical care quality by 6% on the motive of wrong
To improve the expertise for the evaluation of quality of medical
care, certain scales to evaluate sets of diagnostic investigations,
diagnostic adequacy, efficiency of sets of actions for therapy,
rehabilitation, disease prevention, sanitation, and screening should be
properly elaborated.
Key words: quality of medical care, inpatients, gynecological diseases.
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