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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2011 (19) arrow Problems of organizing detectability and record of the allergic individuals in the Oryol region
Problems of organizing detectability and record of the allergic individuals in the Oryol region Print
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Summary. Ensuring high quality verification and statistical record of allergic individuals gets high significance because of high occurrence and annual increase of allergic pathology among the population.

However official statistical data do not reflect the real situation regarding the patients’ appeals for the medical aid concerning the allergy because the disease becomes apparent in different ways or because of the late diagnostics of the pathology. As the city and district treatment and preventive establishments do not have an allergy specialist no special record of allergic pathology among the population is done. Disease diagnostics as well as the patient’s further destiny are determined by the first doctor they apply to which makes it more difficult to set up a unified system of taking this pathology on record depending on the patients’ appeals.

The morbidity rate in the region presented by the insurance medical organizations is underrated, controversial and may not be used for a deep statistical analysis.

The results obtained from an allergy specialist of a regional consultation clinic are the most trustworthy.

The data obtained from the existing system of recording certify the regional morbidity rate being more than 23,4 per 1000 people with an increase tendency 16% per year.

Severity of the allergic pathology increases as a person grows older. Intrinsic asthma occurs 5 times more often among the older people, mixed asthma occurs 11 times more often, urticaria fever occurs twice as much, contact dermatitis occurs 3,6 times more often, toxicoderma more than 8 times more often.

The analysis proved that it is possible to provide recording, capacity planning and availability of a high quality medical aid for the allergic individuals by organizing an allergic service at the municipal level.

Key words. Allergy, detectability, morbidity, appealability, allergological service.


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