Summary. Care for health of children is a direct
duty of parents and also an object of duty obligation of a pediatrician
at population base. Investigation into facts of access of a child to an
orphanage demonstrated that main reasons for entering risk group of
deviant behavior were deprivation of parents care and dwelling in
socially hazardous families. Failure to get access to an orphanage
leaded to joining by a child of a contingent of population of homeless
persons which was extremely socially dangerous.
Materials and Methods: An Orphanage “Rosina” accumulated
certain experience on risk groups of children. This experience
elucidated the necessity (aim of the study) for scientific development
of well-founded propositions for intersectional coordination for solving
- under present conditions - the problem of adaptation of children of
risk groups.
Results: This study elucidated different causes favoring
development of deviant behavior of schoolchildren of various age groups.
7-10 years children experienced early socialization of a personality.
The structure of personality of a child was of primary importance at
that stage. When trumpery was an axial value for a child, it perceived
only external sides of social life. Eventually it was constantly pushed
for struggle for primacy.
At adolescence, main factor favoring deviant behavior was disturbed
family interrelations. In early adolescence, the action of this factor
was combined with lack of support from the part of the school; in senior
adolescence, disturbed family interrelations developed at the
background of psychic physiologic discomfort, at this stage false
notions were raising under the influence of pre-dominating adverse
social standards formed by mass culture.
Conclusion: The problems of medical social assistance to
children who had fallen in difficult life situation are very topical. On
this way, improving organizational rehabilitative measures for the
return of children into social team and the restoration to normal life
conditions should be the main measures.
Key words. Deviant behavior, factors, conditions, health, social standards, living standards, formation, children.
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