Distinctive features of socially-hygienic characteristics of patients of stomatologic establishments of municipal submission and private stomatologic clinics. |
Friday, 30 September 2011 | ||||||
The summary. Rapid development of private business in sphere of rendering of the stomatologic help to the population is one of the most appreciable characteristics of permanent reforming of domestic public health services last two decades. As a result, the population has appeared before a choice: reception of the limited volume and kinds of the free stomatologic help in municipal authorities or possibility of reception of additional kinds of the stomatologic help in paid private clinics. The given choice has formed the basis for differentiation of streams of patients in various establishments of a stomatologic profile. The carried out analysis was based on the data of questioning of 988 patients of stomatologic establishments of Stavropol Territory, from which 412 – patients municipal and 576 – private establishments. Significant differences in social characteristics of compared groups have been established. So, almost 2/3 patients (62,4 %) municipal authorities were pensioners, and among contingents of private establishments pensioners made about m (27,7 %). All contingent of patients of private stomatologic establishments was made by persons with higher education (76,9 %). In municipal authorities of the person with the higher and incomplete higher education have made hardly more half of contingents (42,3 % and 13,4 % accordingly), and more than half of them – pensioners. Among contingents of private establishments there was no patient with level of incomes below an average, and among contingents of municipal authorities of the person with high level of the income have made only 1,2 %. The conducted research has allowed to ascertain that in private stomatologic establishments patients with higher educational qualification and level of incomes address. In stomatologic establishments of municipal level pensioners and persons of efficient age with low or the average level of incomes is more often address. The obtained data allows to ascertain presence of requirement for the further studying of the given problem, in particular, motivation and demand of patients for the separate types of service, represented in stomatologic establishments of municipal submission. It can change substantially work of stomatologic establishments of municipal level taking into account the changed conjuncture of demand for stomatologic services and to prove real requirement for the free medical services rendered within the limits of state insurance. Keywords: private stomatology, municipal stomatology, the patient of municipal and private stomatologic establishment References
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 20 October 2011 ) |
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