Starodubov V.Yi.1, Mikhailov A.Yu.2, Ivanova A.Ye.1
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and
Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian
Federation, Moscow
2The University of People's Friendship of Russia, Moscow
Summary. A need for differential approach to
elaborating regional programs of demographic development concerning
improvement in the state of health of the population with certain
implications for mortality rates was substantiated in this report. It
was made in connection with drastically different situations and
tendencies in various areas of Russia varying for their economic
capabilities to change in medium prospective term the health state of
corresponding populations.
Three contexts for elaborating such programs were outlined. First,
situation analysis identified clusters of problems for mortality.
Starting point for it were data on mortality situation in Russia as a
whole and in Federal Districts to be compared to, including gender, age
(childhood, population with ability to work, elderly people), and
nosology structure (more widely - causes of death); certain other
distinctive features could readily be put into this context, say,
distinctions between urban and rural populations, or other features. Not
only the actual state of aforementioned features of this context was
studied, but the tendencies and trends as well.
The second context outlined aims and tasks of the programs linked to
regional peculiarities of epidemiologic situation and prognosis of its
development; social economic capabilities of a constituent territory for
its changing and improvement were taken into consideration.
The third context tackled with the schemes of actions and tactics
based on the survey of factors determining health problems and untimely
mortality in a constituent territory.
Certain examples of actual decisions in every of the three contexts
were set for every social economic type of territories, the most
detailed examples included the town of Moscow, Tvery and Samara Regions
where situation analysis was fully completed and served as a basis for
elaborating the concept and program of actions here.
Key words. Regional program, situation analysis, operational targets, strategic targets, demographic policy priorities.
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