Guseva S.L.1, Kondratyev Yi.N.2, Puchkov K.G.3
1Municipal Health Center No.6, city of Samara, RUSSIA
2Clinical Hospital No.8 of Federal Medical Biological Agency, town of Obninsk, Moscow Region
3Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and
Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian
Federation, Moscow
Summary. Efficiency of reforming primary care public
health largely determines the scale of success in reforming all public
health in general. Outpatient clinic is just an establishment of primary
level in public health that provides for fulfilling the major amount of
diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures. The changes occurred
in normative and methodological foundations of public health, as well as
certain peculiarities in funding of medical establishments at primary
level of public health prompted the necessity of bringing to them
certain reforms.
Topical issues here include a transfer from linear functional structure
of outpatient clinic to matrix type of organizational structure (which
is considered of a more creative nature); reevaluation of role and scope
of general practitioners incorporated in modern outpatient clinic;
formalization of preventive measures at primary care stage; expediency
of developing extra-budget units linked to municipal medical
establishment for the purpose of acquiring additional source of funding.
Under the conditions of rigidly limited state funding and
administratively fixed scope of provided medical care, stable position
of budget-funded medical establishment could be reached only by
optimization of expenditure, largely on the way of elevated organizational structural efficiency and also through attracted alternative sources of funding.
Implied by such changes introduction of differential wages aimed at
stimulation of labor efforts is quite feasible – just under several
different systems of public health funding, though virtually it depends
upon personal qualities and the motto of a manager of a medical
Key words. Municipal public health, reform in medicine, outpatient clinic, funding.
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