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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2011 (20) arrow Sociologic opinion poll among oncology patients: one of criteria of evaluation of provided medical care
Sociologic opinion poll among oncology patients: one of criteria of evaluation of provided medical care Print
Thursday, 01 December 2011

Summary. Certain sociological techniques of investigating opinions are nowadays widely being implemented in studies on organization of public health. Particularly, they are of practical importance for improving administration of medical establishments for treatment and prevention (METP) which normally forms the main link of the whole chain of public health.

A questionnaire had been elaborated here to this end and put into practice among oncology patients from May 2009 to May 2011. 535 patients from appropriate registry of Northern Town District of Moscow were enrolled. The study demonstrated that these patients were receiving the adequate chemotherapy: 4-6 courses (45.9% of patients), 1-3 courses (30.7% of patients), 7-9 courses (10.4% of patients), 10 courses and more (13.0% of patients). 60.9% of responding patients were quite able to use public transport facilities, but 14.2% cannot use it more than 3 times a week, 15.6% cannot use it more than once a week, and 9.3% cannot use it at all due to health restrictions.

Nearly half of responding patients (45.5%) indicated certain improvement in provided medical services in the last 1-3 years, one third of patients (30.1%) considered it to be without any change or shift to the better. It turned out that for 56.5% of responding patients it took 3 hours or more to visit the oncology outpatient center. The vast majority of patients (77.4%) irrespective of age, education, social status considered the state system of providing medical care to be quite efficient.

70.9% of responding patients are fully satisfied with provided medical care, 26.1% of responding patients are not fully satisfied, and 3.0% of responding patients are not at all satisfied.

It is highly probable that the opinions of patients can be helpful in organizational measures of this oncology outpatient center, if they can promote certain solution of emerging problems.

Key words. Oncology patients, outpatient service, sociological opinion poll, medical care, criteria of evaluation.


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