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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2011 (20) arrow Incidence and prevalence of urogenital diseases: demography changes and prognosis
Incidence and prevalence of urogenital diseases: demography changes and prognosis Print
Thursday, 01 December 2011

Sharafutdinov M.A.
Bashkir State Medical University of Roszdrav, Bashkortostan Republic

Summary. Urogenital diseases in the Republic of Bashkortostan account for 7.2% of general morbidity incidence and 7.4% of its prevalence.

To study the changes through the period of 2002-2008 in the incidence and prevalence of urogenital diseases in the Republic of Bashkortostan in overall population, and in its parts - for adult, adolescent, and childhood population; also to compare these indicators with those of the Russian Federation on the whole and specifically to that of the Near-Volga District; to elaborate a prognosis for the development of the situation up to 2013: – all these with the purpose to evaluate the scientific and practical role of the elaborated factual and prognostic indicators.

Through the period of 2001-2008 the incidence and prevalence of urogenital diseases in overall population of the Republic of Bashkortostan increased by 36.5% and 30.9%, accordingly. All age groups (adult, adolescent, and childhood population) tended to have similar increasing rates of aforementioned indicators. Rates of growth of these indicators have been more prominent in the Republic of Bashkortostan, than in the Russian Federation on the whole and, specifically, in the Near-Volga District.

Elaborated prognosis envisaged further growth of the incidence and prevalence of urogenital diseases in the Republic of Bashkortostan in overall population - with advancing rates in adult and adolescent population. The predicted indicators are to be less favorable in the Republic of Bashkortostan, than in the Russian Federation on the whole and in the Near-Volga District.

The identified factual changes and predicted prognosis for urogenital diseases in the Republic of Bashkortostan are rather important for research activities and practical considerations.

Key words. Urogenital diseases, Morbidity, Tendencies of changes, Prognosis.


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