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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2011 (20) arrow Provision of staff resources for specialty medical care in the Russian Federation: present situation
Provision of staff resources for specialty medical care in the Russian Federation: present situation Print
Thursday, 01 December 2011

Mironova N.N.1, Vinogradova S.A.1, Zadorkina T.G.2, Kulikova S.A.3
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Center of medical prevention, town of Kalinigrad
3P.V.Mandryka memorial second central military clinical hospital of Ministry of defense of Russia, Moscow

Summary. In the present situation of modernization of public health, the problem of provision of staff resources for medical establishments, particularly those with specialty medical care, attracted much attention - from the part of providers of medical services, as well as from the part of managers of educational facilities concerned with certifying of medical staff.

Various patterns of provision of staff resources for dermatology-venereology and stomatology medical facilities were studied in this report. The results of the study showed that despite certain enlargement of certifying of medical staff in Russia on the whole, there were several constituent territories where medical staff provision was quite at a low grade.

Interviewed experts stressed the fact that age status of physicians in state-owned medical establishments was rather old, while their wages were peculiarly low – just to induce them to have more than one job, mostly in private medical establishments.

The Agency of Federal Statistical Observation released information that the pool of dermatologists and venereologists in state-owned medical establishments reduced on 28.0 %, while the amount of specially designed beds also diminished – and that with great particular need for them.The mean Russian indicator of provision of staff resources for stomatology medical facilities enhanced on 0.7%.

Key words. Provision, staff resources, specialty physicians, public health, certifying, experts.


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