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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2011 (20) arrow Clinical and economic analysis of the results of prostate cancer surgical treatment
Clinical and economic analysis of the results of prostate cancer surgical treatment Print
Friday, 02 December 2011

Apolikhin O.I., Katibov M.I.
Research Institute of Urology, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Moscow

Summary. Premise and Aim: Results of surgical treatment for prostate cancer were evaluated from clinical economic point of view. The aim of this study was to compare between the results of two therapeutic techniques: posadilon radical prostatectomy vs brachytherapy - judging by correlation of costs to clinical results.

Materials and Methods: Radical prostatectomy was performed in 215 patients with localized cancer of prostate gland, while brachytherapy was performed in 213 such patients. Direct and indirect costs were estimated for both techniques. Correlation of costs to clinical results was established along “costs-efficiency” analysis and “costs-utility” analysis.

The “costs-efficiency” analysis was based on economic evaluation of relapse-free survival rate of the patients. The “costs-utility” analysis evaluated results of treatment along QOL of the patients, and specifically along QALY (quality adjusted life years).

Results: The “costs-efficiency” analysis estimated the cost of each year of relapse–free survival by prostatectomy as 35,222.82 rubles and by brachytherapy as 153,188.37 rubles. The “costs-utility” analysis estimated the cost of each relapse–free QALY by prostatectomy as 50,318.32 rubles and by brachitherapy as 218,840.82 rubles.

Conclusion: As far as optimization of costs in surgical treatment of this disease, elaboration of national standard for treatment of prostate cancer, establishment of tariff for treatment in the system of mandatory medical insurance are concerned, radical prostatectomy was considered as a more effective technique than brachytherapy for localized cancer of prostate.

Key words. Clinical economic analysis, prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy, brachytherapy.


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