Summary. A comparative study of the grade of provided
medical care, prevalence and structure of morbidity, age factor, cost of
treatment in Khanty-Mansy Autonomous Region (KhMAR), Samara and
Kaliningrad Regions was conducted. Data from the Forms Nos.30 and 47 of
the Medical Statistics Agency were used to compare procurement of dental
service with dental physicians and also outcomes of provided medical
care in state establishments of dental care in the aforesaid Regions.
This comparative study in aforesaid constituent territories of access
of the population to dental medical care and costs of provided services
was conducted with the use of database of mandatory medical insurance
for 2007, and Microsoft Office Access 2003 was implemented for
statistical analysis.
This study showed that expenditure for health protection of the
population in Kaliningrad Region was significantly lower of mean Russian
value, while in KhMAR it was significantly higher of mean Russian
value. Expenditure for health protection of the population normally have
a constitutive impact upon the grade of provided medical care, which in
turn predetermines the rate and structure of dental morbidity of the
The ratio of the number of cured teeth to the number of extracted
teeth was 2.5 in Kaliningrad Region, 2.8 in Samara Region, and 4.8 in
Healing of one dental lesion was performed in the course of 0.50
dentist check for males/0.49 for females in KhMAR, 1.12/1.14 in Samara
Region, and 1.2/1.16 in Kaliningrad Region. Number of lesions per one
accession was 1.45 for males/1.53 for females in KhMAR, 1,67/1,91 in
Samara Region, and 1,89/ 2,09 in Kaliningrad Region.
The age group of 20-49 years produced the most vast variability between the constituent territories for morbidity.
In 2007, the mean cost of provided medical care per one presented
lesion was 131.4 rubles for males/132.0 rubles for females in KhMAR,
322.2/336.1 rubles in Samara Region, and 364.9/380.3 in Kaliningrad
Distinctions in prevalence between acute and chronic conditions in
parodontopathy and in cost of its management were less apparent in
constituent territories with proper grade of medical care, than in those
with improper one: prevalence of acute apical alveolar periostitis of
pulpar nature was lower 2.3 times in males and 2.2 times in females than
of chronic one - in KhMAR, 5.1/5.1 in Samara Region, and 5.6/6.1 in
Kaliningrad Region.
Prevalence of acute parodontitis was lower 4.3 times in males and 4.1
times for females than of chronic one - in KhMAR, 4.1/3.8 in Samara
Region, and 5.1/5.1 in Kaliningrad Region.
Conclusion: Insufficient budget funding of METPs resulted in
morbidity growth, especially among the population with ability to work,
to chronic transformation of dental diseases, widening of gender
differences in diseases prevalence, elevated mean cost of treatment of
dental diseases.
Key words. dental morbidity, structure of
prevalence, provision of staff for dental service, scope of dental care,
outcomes of dental care, grade of medical services, age structure of
dental nosology, cost of dental management.
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