Svetlichnaya T. G., Tsyganova O. A., Borchaninova E.L.
Northern State Medical University, Archangelsk
Summary. Consumption of medical services as a
medical-sociological problem was studied by western sociologists during
the whole 20-th century. The study subject was development of
methodological approaches to analysis of medical services consumption.
So far, the significant research and practical experience on many
problems of medical services consumption has been accumulated: models of
behavior of healthy and sick persons have been developed, a systemic
classification of interrelations between doctors and patients has been
created, there has been organized control of medical services delivery
taking into account population satisfaction with quality of medical
services etc.
The study goal was to summarize and systematize current
methodological approaches to the study of consumption behavior at the
market of medical services and to ground expedience of their application
in practice of the Russian healthcare. In the article, results of a
comparative analysis of scientific studies on the problem of medical
services consumption have been given. Studies by 28 national and 55
foreign authors dedicated to the studied topic have been analyzed. There
has been considered the content of the main theoretical-conceptual
approaches developed by foreign researches for studying consumption
behavior at the market of healthcare services on the basis of the
structural-functional analysis of healthcare system activities by T.
Parsons. A description of the main theoretical models applied in the
studies concerning problems of production and consumption of medical
services has been given: the Health Belief Model and the Social
Behavioral Model describing sick persons behavior and their access to
medical care.
The conducted comparative analysis of methodological and methodical
approaches to studying of consumption behavior at the market of medical
services as an interdisciplinary problem has shown the necessity of use
of theoretical-conceptual constructions of medical sociology. However in
our country, there is practically no continuous systematic study of
medical services consumption behavior. As consequence of the forming
practice of theoretical grounding of methodical empiric studies, the
studies are conducted in many directions what is not reasonable. The
least understood is the effect of medical services provider’s
characteristics on volumes and kinds of consumed medical care, as well
the effects of consumers’ reference to the healthcare system. Further
conceptualization of the problem of interrelations between patients and
providers claims special scientific attention. Poorly known are the
issues of understanding influence of financial mechanisms changes in
healthcare on medical services consumption behavior as well as social
and medical effects obtained as a consequence of such influence.
Key words. Consumption of medical services; Health Belief Model; Behavioral Model.
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