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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2011 (20) arrow Early prevention of infants’ disability due to congenital malformation
Early prevention of infants’ disability due to congenital malformation Print
Saturday, 03 December 2011

Tsurkan S.V.
Ministry of public health and social welfare of Samara Region, town of Samara

Summary. Aim of the study: to evaluate efficiency of early prevention (organizational aspects) of infants’ disability caused by congenital malformation in Samara Region. Organizational measures of pre-gestational training and pre-natal screening implemented in state and municipal medical establishments were studied through the Form No.19: Data on disabled children - and Form No.32: Data on medical care provided to pregnant, parturient, and recently confined women, both referring to 2002-2010. Database of Ministry of public health and social welfare of Samara Region entitled “Monitoring of reproductive health” was also involved in this study. The results thus obtained were then processed along the techniques of parametric and non-parametric statistics.

Decreased rate of newborns with folate-dependent congenital malformations, i.e. with nerve tube defects, an-encephalia, encephalocele, spinal cord hernias, as well as with prominent iodine deficiency was noted in this population-based trial. Strong reverse correlation (R= -0.951) between the grade of pre-gestational training of married couples and rate of folate-dependent malformations was noted in the population of the Region. In 2002-2010 the portion of neonatal hyperthyrotropinemia in this group of conditions reduced from 18.92 % to 8.42 %, and the mean value of 13,42 % ±0,87 reliable differed from the value of previous period (ð<0.01). Comprehensive prevention measures in this observation period had increased rate of revelation of life-threatening abnormalities from 51% to 92%, and in the first trimester of pregnancy a reverse correlation (R=-0.750) between the rate of elimination of abnormal fetes and mortality during first year of life caused by congenital pathology was noted.

Organizational measures of population-based pre-gestational training and massive pre-natal screening implemented in state and municipal medical establishments has reduced risks of developing congenital malformations; consequently the rate of disabled infants (0-4 years of age) in this group decreased from 5.14‰ to in 2002 to 3.68‰ in 2010.

Key words. Disabled children, congenital malformations, pre-gestational training, pre-natal screening.


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