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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow №4 2011 (20) arrow Purposeful and motivational grounds in junior schoolchildren
Purposeful and motivational grounds in junior schoolchildren Print
Saturday, 03 December 2011

Fransteva V.O.1, Tikhonova Yu.V.2
1Stavropol state medical academy, town of Stavropol
2Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. The grade of advancement of a child is determined not only by the hanging problems that he/she faces, but also by a readiness of the very child to evaluate, control, and correct own behavior, to form assigned traits of character, habits, and skills, which could turn indispensable for his/her further creation of a personality. This study of purposeful and motivational grounds in junior schoolchildren was designed to demonstrate that forming of willpower and socialization in the society were major domination in them.

The results of this study showed that majority of the included children (85.68%) presented favorable attitudes for observance of essential rules of hygiene and awareness of the necessity to physical training and development, physical conditioning, health preservation. 14.3% of the studied children did not produce any readiness to such favorable attitudes. No significant fluctuation along the groups of this study upon any cluster of questions or any part of it were established.

The pupils of special schooling establishments expressed very low appreciation of the favorable role of school education, paradoxically producing the quest for intellectual development. This study also showed that the most important for junior schoolchildren was not the team of classmates, but the informal groups in the yard incorporated for the realization of the need to play together. Our results evidenced high self-esteem of the most part of junior schoolchildren and their awareness of the right to take decision on their own.

Certain retardation in socialization of personality was noted in pupils of special schooling establishments, and in rural schools, especially in rural males. The relationship with parents and close relatives was noted as one of the most complicated problem of school age children, specifying as such through all age stages of them. Development of psychic emotional life of junior schoolchildren was obviously accompanied by forming of certain pathways for creating internal control for emotions and fortifying of willpower, these phenomena being most important in the psychological advancement of children of 7-10 years of age.

These observations make the survey of the emotional and socialization problems of junior school age children very topical.

Key words. Children, Junior schoolchildren, Motivation, Socialization


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