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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2011 (20) arrow Result study of condition buildings and communications in tubercular cabinets. what is necessary for its modernization?
Result study of condition buildings and communications in tubercular cabinets. what is necessary for its modernization? Print
Saturday, 03 December 2011

Sterlikov S.A.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. In article results cross-section research of condition buildings and communications in 124 tubercular cabinets are published. All tubercular cabinets were a part of out-patient departments and the hospitals serving the population attached to them. Scoping of actions for modernization of buildings, communications and personnel structure of tubercular cabinets was a research objective. The sufficient representativeness of researches was provided with including in sample of data of 8 regions of the Russia with a various geographical locating and social and economic characteristics. Studying was spent by means of questioning of out-patient departments and the hospitals having tubercular cabinets. Also during research short research of the market of educational services for the purpose of definition of an estimated cost of training of phthisiatricians and staff nurses has been conducted.

It is established that buildings of the majority of operating tubercular cabinets have been constructed in 70 – 80th years of 20 centuries. With 2000 for 2009 mainly repair actions thanks to what deterioration of fixed capital of the majority of buildings is insignificant were carried out. It has been established that demand a pulling down and building of new 7,8% of buildings, and 8,9% of buildings are demanded by reconstruction or major repairs carrying out. In 18,7% of tubercular cabinets there was no centralized cold water supply, in 11,5% - the water drain, and in 8,3% - phone. The area of an office was less than standard in 73,3%. Considering cost of building services, it is possible to assume that modernization of the buildings containing tubercular cabinets, will make some billions roubles. At estimation of reduction of personnel structure to standard value considered conformity of the list of staff and actual security to operating specifications, number of the working not certificated employees and requirement for passage of certified cycles by them. Also studied a share of working pensioners as they had high risk of the termination by them works. Proceeding from training cost in internship and courses of the general improvement it is established that for reduction of quantitative and qualitative structure of employees of tubercular cabinets in conformity with regular specifications it is required not less than 100 million roubles.

Thus, for carrying out of modernization of tubercular cabinets it is necessary not less than double augmentation of building of new buildings of out-patient departments and the hospitals to accept the sanitary code and the rules normalizing the area of all cabinets and to consider expenses on training of the personnel of offices.

Key words. Public health services modernization, condition buildings and communications, tubercular cabinets, the phthisiatricians, emergency buildings, major repairs, reconstruction.


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