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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow №4 2011 (20) arrow Opinions of medical employees about russian vocational training in medicine and possible innovations to be brought in it
Opinions of medical employees about russian vocational training in medicine and possible innovations to be brought in it Print
Saturday, 03 December 2011

Shubina L.B.1, Son Yi.M.2
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
2Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. A new concept of the state system of vocational training in Russian public health is being under way now, and it implies introduction of modern methods and novel organizational forms of education that correspond to world trends. One of such new approaches in medical education is namely the imitative training through which a student deliberately accomplishes such actions and in such conditions that model upon real situations. Special means of training are involved here.

Imitative training favors the improved quality of education because here the professional actions are to be fulfilled in repeated sequence up to acquiring of confidence in oneself aimed at exclusion of routine mistakes.

Opinion poll of medical staff was staged to create certain prerequisites for this innovation aimed at improving the quality of training of medical staff (through introduction of imitative training). The general purpose of this poll was to obtain individual subjective evaluations of present system of vocational training in public health and opinions on ways of its reforming.

This trial was conducted by launching a questionnaire to various kinds of medical personnel, including nurses and physicians of different specialties -embracing medical establishments of the town of Moscow, Moscow Region and several other Regions. This questionnaire was divided into three contexts. The first context was concerned with social and occupational features of the responders themselves; in the second context, the responders were to express their opinions on present system of vocational training in public health and their attitudes to their professional duties; in the third context the opinions of medical employees for changes and amendments to the system of their training and also of its record-keeping were taken in.

A survey into all these opinions showed that the majority of the responders did not produce a clear notion of the purposes of each step on the life long way of his/her vocational training. Most responders agreed on the fact that in the course of education of medical staff in the Russian Federation the problems of providing safe medical care had not been elucidated sufficiently.

Among the ways of solving the aforementioned defect implying some measures to reduce incidence of insufficient medical care, the argument of the working team of the establishment upon any occurrence of that sort was noted as the preferable choice by most responders.

Our foreign colleagues considered intra-team arguments as the most efficient way - also under conditions of deliberate imitation of professional activity, where imitators learn upon mistakes accomplished here and profit from it. Not all the responders were satisfied with own level of professional skills. When answering questions on the prospects of imitative training in the Russian Federation, most responders claimed that such a training should become compulsory course for certifying Russian physicians.

The analysis of the answers obtained here has enabled us to rate factors of high-grade medical grounding. Preferable forms and organizational frames of imitative training were summed up with special attention to their adjustment to the conditions of Russian public health.

Key words. Sociologic survey, Medical staff, professional education, imitative training, Russian and foreign experience.


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