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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2011 (21) arrow Sociologic survey of oncological patients to identify problems of health care delivering
Sociologic survey of oncological patients to identify problems of health care delivering Print
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

L.M. Kogonia, A.Yu. Fedotov
Oncologic dispensary No.2 of Northern Administrative District, Moscow

Summary. In the last two decades there has emerged quite a series of problems and drawbacks of dispensary oncologic service in Russia. These problems are to be assessed on regular basis to evaluate the organization level and the very feasibility of this service.

To prove the feasibility of outpatient oncology clinic as the 1st line oncology establishment in Russia. Opinion poll of patients on this matter was studied in oncologic dispensary No.2 of Northern Administrative District of Moscow with the purpose of assessment of its operational condition. An ad-hoc questionnaire was designed to this end. Sociological survey was conducted from May 2009 till May 2011. 535 patients registered for treatment and follow-up at this clinic were randomized as the responders.

Half of the responders noticed improvement in medical care at this clinic during the previous 3 years. 97.5% of patients confirmed absence of informal payment to be claimed from the part of the personnel for medical services delivered. 77.4% considered charge-free state medical service as efficient. The drawbacks were also noticed. 40% of the patients responded had expressed complaints on queue-standing for getting access to the doctor. 6.2 % of the responders noted irregular delivery (within one month framework) of prescribed pharmaceuticals at the drugstore attached to this clinic.

Psychological support was found out in this poll as one of the major parts of the whole system of care for oncological patients. Feasibility of oncologic dispensary was confirmed in this study.

Keywords. Sociologic survey, oncologic patients, quality of life, dispensary service.



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