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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2011 (21) arrow The principle of social partnership as the basis of the successful implementation of the special-purpose comprehensive program of the anticancerous fight
The principle of social partnership as the basis of the successful implementation of the special-purpose comprehensive program of the anticancerous fight Print
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Shchepin1 V.O., Kudryavtsev 2 I.Yu.
1 Scientific Research Institute public health is RAMS, Moscow
2 Medical and sanitary division of Navoi mining and metallurgical combine, Uzbekistan, Navoi

Summary. The purpose of the work is reduction in the indices of the oncologic mortality of population by means of development and implementation of the special-purpose comprehensive program of anticancerous fight on the basis of the estimation of the additional risk of shaping of malignant new formations work it is executed based on the example To the Navoi region of the republic of Uzbekistan, the basis of the macro-economy in which is The Navoi mining and metallurgical combine, which specializes in the output of uranium. It is established that the standardized indices of morbidity by the malignant new formations of workers Navoi mining and metallurgical combine and population, which lives in the zone of its influence, in men 2,6 times, in women are 3,6 times higher in comparison with the remaining population of the Navoi region. Is developed the long-term special-purpose comprehensive program of the anticancerous fight, in realization of which participate all social partners of the system of the working relations: state, employer, state and departmental therapeutic and prophylactic establishments, workers and their representatives. Are proposed measures for the improvement of the oncologic aid, which include the system of the preventive inspections, based on the values of the additional risk of formation of cancer, algorithms of the actions of the doctors of general therapeutic network with early diagnostics of cancer, clinic observation, treatment and the rehabilitation sick of cancer. As a result the introduction of program into 2000-2004 the value of the standardized mortality from cancer among the population, operated By medico-sanitary division of Navoi mining and metallurgical combine, is reduced in comparison with 1992-1999 to 13,0%, and since 2004 until 2009. - to 24,5% more. The summary probable value of the actual avoided damage as a result of averting of the cases of death from cancer at the active age composed 60,6 million rubles.

Keywords. Cancer, morbidity, mortality, the additional risk of development, social and economic damage, the principle of the social partnership.


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