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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2011 (21) arrow Certain prospects for optimization of delivery of specialty medical care to patients with allergy in the oryol region
Certain prospects for optimization of delivery of specialty medical care to patients with allergy in the oryol region Print
Thursday, 19 January 2012

T.Yi. Obolenskaya
Medical school of Orel state university, the town of Orel

Summary. To confirm the feasibility and expediency of creating a center of allergology and immunology in a multiple department municipal hospital for providing medical care to the population of the Oryol Region for such conditions.

Predominantly, patients with bronchial asthma and with allegro-dermatoses treated in this center (department) of allergology and immunology were included in this study. These two nosology units accounted for 41% and 36% of the department registry of allergists’ pathology, accordingly, and the growth of prevalence of both of them was observed annually for the past years. The latter was partly due to introduction of novel special tests and investigations for allergy diagnosis, the sensitivity of which made it possible to increase the identification of the cause of allergy by nearly 25% from the baseline, while the enhanced laboratory capacity dramatically elevated the total number of tests performed for the population of this Region.

This center of allergology and immunology significantly increased the sufficiency of investigation and treatment for all the cluster of allergologic pathology, making it feasible to complement topical therapy with basic systemic therapy. The treatment of patients with disturbed respiratory function is supplemented in this center with continued control and monitoring through periodically repeated allergic tests, and as a result, the quality of treatment has improved and hospital stay has reduced. With the creation of this center for allergology and immunology, admission of patients with allegro-dermatoses has increased in this hospital by nearly 30%.

The emerged faculty to implement combined systemic therapy has elevated the efficiency of delivered treatment and hence made it possible to avoid chronic course of the disease.

Creation of a center of allergology and immunology in a multiple department municipal hospital proved feasible and expedient for providing special medical care of this kind to the population of the Region.

The lack of specialized allergology service in the town of Oryol brought up a certain deficiency in providing this kind of medical care to the population of the Region.

Keywords. Allergy, Organizational approach, Specialized medical care.



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