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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2011 (22) arrow Analysis of morbidity in 2010 of the population affected by nuclear radiation due to Chernobyl accident and provided medical care in 2010
Analysis of morbidity in 2010 of the population affected by nuclear radiation due to Chernobyl accident and provided medical care in 2010 Print
Wednesday, 08 February 2012

Ye.V. Ogryzko
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. The article discusses evaluation of morbidity in 2010 of the population affected by nuclear radiation due to Chernobyl to assess the provided morbidity-linked medical care in 2010 to this affected population.

Most high general morbidity was noted in Chernobyl liquidators: 4403‰. Values of general morbidity exceeding the Russian mean ones were noticed in the Siberian Federal District (6100.4‰), the North Caucasian Federal District (4939.9‰), of the South Federal District (4702.6‰), the Privolzhsky (Volga) Federal District (4608.3‰), the Urals Federal District (4583.9‰).

In evacuated persons and in dwellers of radioactive contaminated areas the morbidity was 1.8 times and 2.5 times as low as compared to liquidators, accordingly.

In 2010, evacuated persons had presented 2444.6 morbidity cases upon 1000 people registered for follow-up by the end of the year. In them the values exceeding those that were mean in Russia as a whole were noted in the Privolzhsky (Volga) Federal District (3571.1‰), the Urals Federal District (3051.9‰), and the Far East Federal District (2812.5‰).

In 2010, dwellers of radioactive contaminated areas had presented 1785.1 morbidity cases upon 1000 people registered for follow-up by the end of the year. Bryansk region had registered the most high morbidity: 1893.4‰; Tambov region: 1793.9‰, Kaluga region: 1711.2‰, Ulyanovsk region: 1347.7‰, Orel region: 401.4‰, Kursk region: 287.7‰.

Structures of morbidity in liquidators and in evacuated persons were quite similar, but in dwellers of radioactive contaminated areas, unlike evacuated persons and liquidators, respiratory diseases were most frequent. The class of diseases with endocrine diseases, nutrition disturbances, and metabolic diseases was very prominent in all the three groups. In this class, thyroid gland diseases took the most wide (in this class) percentage of affected populations: 62.8% of liquidators, 68.6% of evacuated persons, and 73.8 % of dwellers of radioactive contaminated areas were affected. I-II grade hyperplasia of the thyroid gland was noted in 5397 liquidators, 373 evacuated persons, and 901 dwellers of radioactive contaminated areas.

The scope of morbidity and its structure prompted a conclusion that in 2010 the medical care to the population affected by Chernobyl was not quite sufficient and it necessitated certain improvements to become more advanced and effective.

Keywords. Chernobyl accident; liquidators; evacuated persons; dwellers of radioactive contaminated areas; morbidity; health care.


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