L.V. Laktionova
Clinical Hospital № 83, Moscow
Summary. The Concept of long-term social economic
development of the Russian Federation for the period ending in 2020 has
presented for the public health a problem of preservation and
improvement of health of the population. A professional medical staff,
development of infrastructure, resources provision, and improved
organization are indispensable for the effective functioning of the
system of public health.
This study was conducted at the municipal hospital No.83, Moscow,
Russia where a reform of the clinic – with the purpose of upgrading the
quality of specialized medical care and making it more accessible - was
under way in recent years. Our experience elucidated some problems to be
solved on this way which can be common to many others medical
establishments as well:
Structural reorganization with involvement of novel branches of medicine
and introduction of brand-new medical technologies. Utilized capacity
of medical and surgical departments was compared to real
population-based needs and insurance companies’ evaluated ones for
various kinds of medical care. As a result, bed capacity of the hospital
was reconsidered and rearranged. Intra-hospital standards of
diagnostics and treatment inclusive of medical forms for various
nosologies were introduced. New departments were created, as well as a
special center for medical advice and diagnosis.
Active staffing policies. In selection of the staff only those
physicians were preferred that did fit with adopted here some specific
technologies of diagnosis and therapies, had the command of the skills
in related specialties, presented sound motivation, and expressed ideas
on further vocational training.
Implementation of modern marketing and advertising techniques. The
efforts were applied to wide coverage among the population basis of
perfect capabilities of the clinic, for more complete and opportune
awareness of insurance companies or their agents about all aspects of
the clinic activities, for verifying the image a skillful and benevolent
medical personnel in patients with access to medical care here.
Arrangement of intra-hospital common information space. Medical
information system was designed for better accounting and control of
medical activities in this hospital; the tool to this end was to equip
every workplace with a capacity to conduct electronically the medical
records, to draft research projects, to obtain upon enquiry the required
diagnostic data, etc.
These combined 4-focuses management brought about significant
improvement in the main qualitative and quantitative indicators of this
clinic’s activities. Growth in number of treated patients for the last
three years was of 39.8%, number of surgical procedures performed grew
by 35.6%, mean hospital stay reduced by 3.3 days.
Thus consistent multi-focal management strategy enlarged the volumes
of specialized highly qualified medical care for the population.
Keywords. Multidisciplinary clinic, the organization of medical care, development strategy.
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