N.V. Danilova
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation,
Summary. A program of modernization of regional subsystem
of public health has been recently adopted in Russia. It makes for
reinforcement of the network of medical establishment in every
Constituent Territory and for introduction of modern medical and
informatics technologies. Hence, the new requirements to medical and
non-medical staff of public health in Federal Districts and Constituent
Territories has emerged that would have some effect on the staff
numbers, its composition, and balance between its major integral parts.
To assess the adequacy of the staff for new requirements and tasks.
Statistical data on the staff in Russia as a whole, in in Federal
Districts and 83 Constituent Territories in 2009-2010 were used in this
study. The staff was divided into three groups: physicians, nurses,
non-medical staff.
Unbalance between growing numbers of physicians and decreasing numbers
of nurses was identified. The ratio physicians:nurses did not fit the
corresponding target indication in most of the territories. Differences
in provision of medical staff (physicians+nurses) reached as far as 30%
between Federal Districts (FD) being much more prominent (twofold or
even more) between certain Constituent Territories (CT).
Completion of staff manning of medical establishments was often
fulfilled by way of combining several job positions. Since 2009, access
to first care GP has begun diminishing in quite a number of FDs and CTs.
On the contrary, staff situation with district pediatricians was quite
favorable in most FDs. Absolute numbers of GP have acquired certain
accretion in most FDs. The skills of medical staff normalized to
national standards was not yet sufficient in most medical specialties in
urban, as well as in rural environment. It was especially sensitive in
hygienic specialties.
General numbers and relative distribution of non-medical staff among
medical establishments was less and rather unfavorable in European part
of Russia, and more and rather favorable in CTs of Siberia and the Far
East. Such a situation requires prospective research for evaluation of
expenses for regulation of staff resources in public health.
Key words. Medical staff, Statistical data on staff, Medical
staff manning, Balance between physicians and nurses, Skills of medical
staff, Provision of first care GP.
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