L.A. Rojavsky
Leningrad regional children clinical hospital, Saint Petersburg
Summary. The given reference includes information about
Leningrad regional children clinical hospital, leading
treatment-preventive institutions of the region, the methodical centre
on distribution of new medical technologies and effective organizational
forms of work, clinical base of many medical institutions of Saint
The main tendencies of organization of hospital medical care are
determined for the last 11 years, there have been estimated
characteristic regional features.
The experience of hospital work has proved high medical effectiveness,
the rates of use of hospital beds are high, the quality of medical aid
became much better.
It allows to increase intensity of work as well as volume and quality of rendered medical aid to patients by decreased expenses.
This leads to rationally and efficiently use hospital bed funds and
sophisticated hightechnology equipment in the realization of the
concept of health care service development in the Leningrad region.
Discussed the major directions in improving patients’ hospitalization in
inpatient clinics, planned hospitalization in particular. The hospital
accommodation and their complement should be sufficient to children
population’s needs for this kind of the help, but the quantity take-off
for hospital beds is expedient for basing not only on a population but
also on morbidity. This date became the basis of main directions of work
of controlling and public health service in the field of increasing of
quality and accessibility of pediatric hospital medical service.
The medical aids effectiveness depends on an optimality of use available health care force.
The given recommendations will contribute to efficient development of
organization of hospital care for children on the regional level.
Keywords: hospital care, main tendencies, characteristic features, volume and quality of rendered medical aid.
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