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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2011 (22) arrow Influence of the medical-social status of a HIV-infected in Chelyabinsk region on adherence to treatment
Influence of the medical-social status of a HIV-infected in Chelyabinsk region on adherence to treatment Print
Thursday, 09 February 2012

A.B. Larin, Yu.A. Tyukov
Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy, Chelyabinsk

Summary. By the 1st of March 2011 the total number of HIV-infected patients registered in the Russian Federation was 589,600 people with 5,200 children of up to 15 years of age. 66,600 patients had died from HIV infection, 11,000 people among them had died from AID. 95% of mortality was due to non-HIV secondary diseases, mainly opportune infections and tumors.

To establish the role of social and medical factors in the commitment to treatment of HIV-infected patient, especially to medical therapy, meaning that beside social status of a patient, this commitment is affected also by the faculties of public health organizations to deliver medical care to the HIV-infected patients.

Medical and social features pertaining to HIV-infected patients were studied for various stages of the disease with special emphasis on investigation into the faculties of public health organizations to deliver medical care to the HIV-infected patients.

Difficulties in getting a job, tense family relationship, discrimination in access to invasive and especially surgical procedures has been dominating among the social and medical problems of HIV-infected patients. Despite legally established guarantees for charge-free medical procurement in the treatment of HIV-infection, funding of this medical procurement was not necessarily always sufficient or stable, while not rarely unsatisfactory pecuniary situation of HIV-patients made them avoid acquisition of medicines through own expenses. Personality peculiarities of HIV-patients, especially at the advanced stages of the disease course, also did not favor any particular commitment of these patients to medical therapy.

The scope of social and medical organizational problems of HIV-infected patients in the Chelyabinsk Region necessitates certain centralization of medical care for them. Creation of a center for prevention and fighting AID propagation could be realized through the formation of special corporation to control affiliated branches, medical offices, individual specialists joined in the anti-AID service.

Keywords. HIV-infection, Medical establishment, Commitment to treatment.



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