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Social aspects of aggressive behavior Print
Thursday, 09 February 2012

E.N. Bazarova1, E.V. Molchanova2
1Petrozavodsk state university, Petrozavodsk
2Institute of economics KarRC of RAS, Petrozavodsk

Summary. The purpose of the given work consists in research aggressive (reaching level criminal) behavior of persons recognized deranged, i.e. suffering heavy mental frustration. Material served data of Republican judicial-psychiatric examination. Expert judgments concerning persons made the illegal acts directed against the person (murder, physical injuries, tortures, rapes) were studied, i.e. clinical cases in which direct aggression was obviously shown. Display of indirect aggression was studied besides direct aggression, at which the damage to social well-being (for example, thefts) also is caused. Comparison of the received results with some statistical data characterizing a criminal situation in Russia and Republic Karelia has been executed. Research was spent by means of mathematical methods (correlation and regression analysis). Sample included 104 patients recognized deranged for period with 2005 for 2010 inclusive. The information system consisting of some mainframes has been developed: personal features, the clinical diagnosis, a micro social situation, the mechanism of fulfillment of socially-dangerous act, time of fulfillment of socially-dangerous act. The spent statistical processing of the basic indicators has allowed revealing certain tendencies in dynamics of criminal behavior. These tendencies essentially do not differ from criminal tendencies in modern Russian society. Thus, representation about special criminal predisposition mentally sick testifies more likely about intolerance the social environment. If in whole across Russia relative density of violent crimes is high, that socially dangerous acts of property character prevail among mental patients. The basic characteristics of the person making socially dangerous acts: a male, young age, heavy mental frustration, a low educational level, absence of a permanent job, low level of incomes, physical inability on mental disease, long term of supervision at the psychiatrist. The overwhelming majority occurred from dysfunctional a parental family and in the majority was not married. Results of research have allowed doing a conclusion that optimization of social work concerning the given contingent, the psychological help and family therapy are necessary. Patients require the multidisciplinary approach, and not just in psychiatric supervision.

Keywords. Mental health, aggressive behavior, illegal acts, statistical processing.


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