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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2011 (22) arrow Consumption of energizers among adolescents: a pilot study
Consumption of energizers among adolescents: a pilot study Print
Thursday, 09 February 2012

Ye.S. Skvortsova, Ye.A. Otvaghina, L.K. Postnikova, T.Ye. Shuryghina
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. This is a new, still quite topical theme of our social life: consumption of energizers among adolescents. Foreign, as well as domestic legislation is already targeting these new phenomena. It is an established fact, that consumption of energizers is not regulated or controlled in Russia – neither along the age of potential buyers, nor for price preferences tricks. A publicity of energizers is readily gone through newspapers and magazines, as well as on radio and TV. Adolescents and dashing youth - and they embrace the people from 12 to 24 years of age - are the main consumers of energizers. It had been our native researchers that had indicated that energizers can readily induce an addiction through their regular consumption.

76 adolescents registered for prevention of drug abuse at narcology outpatient clinic of the town of Khotykovo, Moscow Region were recruited in this pilot study: 31 boys (40.8%) and 45 girls (59.2%). 38.7% boys and 17.8% girls of the study group constantly used energizers.

The main motivation of constant energizers’ consumption was “thirst” in 50% of boys and a wish “to cheer up or to merry oneself” in 33.3% girls.

Another reason to acquire this beverage was an inclination “to make oneself a pleasing creature”(25.0% of boys and 20.0% of girls). “Greetings on the occasion of a holiday” was in girls (20%) just as often a motivation, sharing in them the second preference with the previously mentioned motivation.

Subsequent addicts had been getting involved in consuming energizers at the age of 10-16 years. Median apex of the peak of involvement in energizers’ consumption fitted the same age category (13-14 years) as it was with the alcohol involvement.

“First date” with energizers had been propelled by initial incentive of simple curiosity in the majority of subsequent addicts, nearly equally matched between boys (64.3%) and girls (66.6%). Unfavorable functional and somatic changes were noticed in 25.0% of boys and 16.7% of girls under this survey.

Consuming of energizers by young people possesses certain features of addiction and brings about some unfavorable health changes. These moments necessitate prospective studies.

Key words: Energizing beverages, Legislation, Adolescents, Pilot study, Features of addiction.


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