T.P. Sabgayda1, O.B. Okunev2
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and
Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian
Federation, Moscow
2Moscow State Institute of International Relations of Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow
Summary. A comparative analysis was done for morbidity
in children, adolescents and adults during the post-Soviet period. The
main classes of disease were analyzed from the perspective of possible
exposure to risks. The use of statistical reporting form No12 as the
data source was motivated. We analyzed data on incidence and prevalence
among children, adolescents and adults in the Russian Federation for
1992-2010 years.
According to 2010 data, the structure of morbidity in children,
adolescents, and the population of working and retirement age were
analyzed. Correlation coefficients were calculated for the structure of
incidence and prevalence among population of retirement age (aged 55 and
older for women and aged 60 and older for men) with the structure of
incidence and prevalence among children (<15 years), adolescents
(15-17 years) and population of working age.
The basis for conclusion about the presence of environmental risk
factors for public health was the rising incidence among child and
adolescent of: digestive diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases of the
endocrine system, genitourinary diseases, diseases of the
musculoskeletal system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue,
the congenital anomalies, symptoms and signs of deviation from the norm.
The basis for conclusion about appearance additional risk factor for
the health of young people in the last decade was the discrepancy
between trends in incidence among teenagers with the trends in incidence
among children or adults for: digestive diseases, mental disorders,
diseases of the endocrine system, genitourinary diseases, diseases of
the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous
tissue, diseases of the eye and adnexa, diseases of the ear and mastoid
process, injury and poisoning. The basis for conclusion about
insufficient medical help to people of retirement age were the lack of
correlation between structure of incidence and prevalence among aging
population, as well as the weak correlation between structure of
prevalence among elderly and active adult population together with the
strong correlation between structure of their incidence.
The next conclusions were done. The separation of information about
incidence and prevalence among people of retirement age for analytical
research in the field of population health is reasonable. There is a
significant increasing in the risk of diseases, which are influenced by
an environmental factors, for total Russian population as well as in
risk of diseases, that are influenced by lifestyle and behavior, for
teenagers. The performance of the methods of rehabilitation of patients
and maintenance of chronic disease in remission is too weak in Russia,
an availability of medical care for the elderly is not sufficient.
Key words. Dynamics of incidence, age-related changes
of prevalence, social determinants of health, environmental risk factors
for disease, the effect of energy drinks on the health of adolescents,
access to health care, the incidence of aging people
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