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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2012 (23) arrow Morbidity, mortality, and disability of urban and rural population in Republic of Udmurtia
Morbidity, mortality, and disability of urban and rural population in Republic of Udmurtia Print
Monday, 19 March 2012

A.V. Popov
Central Republican Hospital in Yukamenskaya, Republic of Udmurtia, RUSSIA

Summary. State of health of the population of Republic of Udmurtia (Russian Federation) still produces evident negative tendencies. The survey of morbidity in Republic of Udmurtia for the last two decades showed increased general morbidity of the population, as well as morbidity along the main classes of diseases. Morbidity was studied in accordance with rate of access of the population to medical establishments in the period of 1990-2009. That study showed that general morbidity in this sense increased by 41.6% - from 1,373.0 to 1,944.4 accesses per 1,000 subjects of the population. Prevalence of registered primary disability tended to grow through the period of 1990-2009, and in 2010 it reached 86.7 invalids per 10,000 subjects of the population compared to 85.6 of the year of 2009.

Primary disability was studied along the three degrees of it in its structure. The third group of disabled persons was the most prominent. The 1st group demonstrated steady growth of number of registered invalids. The part of 1st group invalids in the rural cohort of invalids was higher (22.1%) than in the urban one (19.7%).

In the structure of general morbidity of adult population of Republic of Udmurtia, diseases of the circulatory system (accounting for 40.5% of general morbidity), malignant neoplasm (15.0%), diseases of musculoskeletal system (10/0%) ranged the first, second, and third in prevalence.

It was in 2009 that for the first time in 17 successive years, the number of births exceeded the number of deaths, thus a positive natural increase of the population manifested itself.

The cause of protection of health of the population still exposes quite a number of serious drawbacks and problems to be solved. For example, persisted high rates of mortality through the age with ability to work can be ranked as a very serious problem. Just these high rates of mortality of citizens of the age with ability to work were responsible for acknowledged low lifespan in the Republic of Udmurtia. Notably, citizens with ability to work formed one third of the mortality pool in 2009. 80% of them were males.

Another problem was that urban and rural mortality produced quite different rates, so that life expectancy of urban and rural population differs significantly for the time being.

Keywords. Morbidity; disability; mortality; mean lifespan; urban population; rural population.


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