A.K. Dzugayev
Moscow State Medical Stomatology University, Moscow
Summary. Physician staff size is continuing to grow in
the Russian Federation. By the year of 2010, 625.672 physicians were
employed under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Social
Development of the Russian Federation. Number of employed physician
positions in Russia (documented through Form N.47 of Ministry of Health
and Social Development) showed that there existed 50.03 physician
positions per 10,000 people.
The population-based relative numerical structure of physician
positions was studied for physician specialties, employed in all
outpatient and inpatient facilities of public health. There were 9.36
physicians of therapeutic profile per 10,000 people (36.9% of the
physicians relative pool), 1.52 physicians of surgical profile (6.0%),
5.68 specialty physicians (22.43%), 0.71 general practitioners (2.8%).
Interestingly enough, 15.5% of aforementioned jobs existed in the pool
of diagnostic and therapeutic physicians, while 4.7% of such jobs
existed in the pool of management personnel.
A study period of 16 years was taken in this trial: 1995-2010. In
general, physicians staff relative size under the auspices of the
Ministry of Health and Social Development has enlarged by 14.1%: from
38.4 to 43.8 physicians per 10,000 people. Therapists staff size has
diminished from 5.84 to 5.67; pediatrician staff size has also
diminished – from 4.34 till 4.33 per 10,000 people. Specialty physician
staff size has enlarged from 11.53 to 12.07. Management personnel size
has also enlarged – from 2.0 äî 2.67 per 10,000 people. General
practitioners or family doctors size has enlarged dramatically – from
0.03 to 0.74 per 10,000 people, i.e. it increased 10 times.
Efficiency of realization of state staff policies in public health is
largely determined by ways implemented for solving the factual problems
of health manpower training and its use in public health. The size and
structure of medical staff should be adjusted to the proclaimed strategy
of developing public health and factual tasks derived from it. The
reform-in-question of public health should be properly served by such an
Keywords. Staff policies; health manpower; physician staff size; health care resources; employed physician positions.
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