On demographic issues of implementation of the federal law on mandatory medical insurance |
Friday, 13 April 2012 |
Yi.A. Geht1, G.B. Artemyeva2
1Samara State Medical University, Samara
2Territorial Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund of the Ryazan region, Ryazan
The resume. Peculiarities of medical and
demographic development of the country form the base for evaluation of
population demand for medical care and its resources. Current
demographic tendencies in the vast majority of regions of Russian
Federation include evident population ageing. The Law of the RF: “On
mandatory medical insurance in the Russian Federation” provides
significant expansion of citizen’s rights in mandatory medical
insurance. In particular, citizens have acquired the right to choose
medical insurance company and healthcare organization. Age structure of
the population covered by the organizations in the system of mandatory
medical insurance largely affected their grade of financial
sustainability and economic welfare. Working population were scarce or
nearly none in this structure which implied domination of retired
population, then the latter became main consumers of medical services to
be rendered to the population. Such situation factually denied the
principle of solidarity of financial responsibility, which in turn
negatively affected the issue of payments for medical care along per
capita schemes with the use of fundholding elements. In tackling the
issues of medical access of old and elderly people, it was found only
reasonable to stick to their local dependence in outpatient care and
admission to a hospital implying rigid reference schemes. A switch-over
to single-channel financing of healthcare (where all funding should go
from the resources of the mandatory medical insurance) has urged taking
into account the peculiarities of rendering emergency and the rest of
medical care to the elderly people with certain implications for
specific approaches to the procedure and concrete ways of payments for
medical care rendered to such people. Population ageing of the
population necessitated reconsideration of the existing procedure of
organization of medical care in medical establishments incorporated in
the mandatory medical insurance.
Key words. Population ageing; demography; per capita funding; single channel funding.
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 07 November 2013 )