О.V. Obukhova
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation,
Summary. Aim of the study is to substantiate
implementation of world-wide adopted statistical instruments for
processing and analysis of information on the spending of volumes and
directions of finance resources in public health. Analysis of such
information is indispensable for the assessment of efficiency of public
health of Russia, including its program tasks in combating socially
related diseases.
Comparative evaluation of the capabilities of certain techniques of
statistical analysis that were widely used in foreign practice was
performed. It included evaluation of the system of national accounts,
national accounts for public health, national sub-accounts, techniques
of assessment of national expenses associated with HIV-AIDS.
This study proved that certain instruments of official statistics are
indispensable for the routine and trustworthy monitoring of expenditure
in public health. So, a statistical reporting Form No.62 entitled
“Information on rendering and funding medical care to the population”
was designed and introduced with the purpose of proper
institutionalization of accounts in public health of the Russian
Federation and for constant supervision of expenditure here. With the
help of this Form allows to estimate the efficiency of rendered medical
care, first of all gratuitous one, and the operation of executive
authorities of constituent territories of the Russian Federation.
Domestic implementation of world-wide adopted approaches to the
appreciation of expenditure for socially related diseases, such as
HIV-infection and tuberculosis, proved to be well grounded. It helped to
determine on the priority of distribution of financial means within the
framework of certain programs and measures to fight the spread of these
diseases, to provide adequacy of record-keeping for the expenditure,
and to take into account the optimization of funding distributed among
all concerned parts, to substantiate certain methods of state control
and regulation of the processes of fulfilling of all these programs and
Keywords. Health economics, national accounts system, system of health accounts, cost-effectiveness, economic monitoring.
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