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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2012 (24) arrow Epidemiology situation on tuberculosis and hiv-infection in the Russian Federation
Epidemiology situation on tuberculosis and hiv-infection in the Russian Federation Print
Friday, 13 April 2012

O.B. Nechayeva, N.V. Eismont
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. A stabilization of the epidemic situation on tuberculosis has emerged in Russia, confirmed with high level of indicators’ values for it: from 2008 to 2010, total TB morbidity reduced by 9.6%, TB mortality – by 14.5%. Mortality from tuberculosis has been reducing at a faster pace due to enhanced detection of tuberculosis improved by organizational means, and also due to better provision of the patients with anti-TB medication. In 2010, the gender structure of morbidity produced a male domination (69.5%), while the age structure produced domination of rather young people, where 62.3% of the patients were aged 18-42. The share of prisoners (within framework of the Federal service of execution of punishments) stabilized at the level of 12%. Males fell ill with TB 2.6 times more than females and died from it 4.8 times more. The share of the permanent population of Russia reached 84% in the pool of TB affected patients here, and 81.7% in the amount of fatal TB outcomes in Russia. The ratio “TB morbidity: TB mortality” has raised to 5.0:1 in 2010 (in males it has been 4.4; in females – 7.8).

Epidemic developments for HIV-infection are still quite pronounced in Russia: the pool of patients with HIV-infection was on the rise with mortality growing further. In 2010, the share of the permanent population of Russia has amounted to 80.1% in the pool of HIV-infected patients here. The share of prisoners (within framework of the Federal service of execution of punishments) has been at the level of 14.3%.

TB morbidity in HIV-infected patients was 29 times as high as in HIV-free population base, while TB mortality was 31 times as high. 2010 official statistics for the structure of fatal cases from all classified causes showed that 13.9 of TB cases were also HIV-infected, while 33.0% of HIV-infected cases were also TB-affected. 2010 end-of-the-year data on HIV-infected and TB-affected patients registered at medical facilities has shown that 6.4% of TB-affected subjects were also HIV-infected, while 4.6% HIV-infected subjects were also TB-affected.

It would be rather reasonable to suggest that in those Constituent Territories of the Russian Federation, where exists high degree of destruction of the population by HIV-infection, main indicators for tuberculosis can readily grow in the years to come. HIV-infection morbidity can result in TB morbidity growth in children born from HIV-infected parturient women in case those children were not inoculated in opportune time for TB by BCG vaccination.

Keywords. Tuberculosis; HIV-infection; places of imprisonment.


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