N.Yu.Trifonova1, Yi.K.Chachayeva2
1 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2Municipal purulent septic combatting center, Grozny, Chechen Republic
Summary. The problem of depressive disorders is one of the
most actual in contemporary clinical and social psychiatry. In the
whole population of patients with psychic disorders, subjects with
non-psychotic disorders amounted to 51.3%, while subjects with
depressive disorders amounted to 20%. Some specialists note a great
number of patients with organic lesions of the brain that were not
committed to medical care.
At the same time clinical epidemiologic peculiarities of depressive
disorders and the role of social factors in their emerging, developing,
clinical constitution and pathologic course are still insufficiently
explored in national psychiatry.
There existed high rate of morbidity of the population as concerns
socially significant pathology and non-infectious diseases, and certain
prevention programs have been launched to this end in Russia. One of the
hopeful schemes of preventive and therapeutic care was training in
Health Schools, designed for patients/subjects charged with risk
factors. The training in Health Schools was not only clinically
efficient, but also economically expedient, as expenditure for hospital
stay, outpatient care, and calls of emergency crew eventually arising
through a disease attack was significantly reduced in this setting.
In recent years the focus in Russia has been on psychosocial
rehabilitation programs for the patients with depressive conditions.
However, there has been lack of unification in fulfilling programs for
education, prevention and rehabilitation. No model of medical social
care for patients with organic lesions of non-psychotic nature has been
elaborated as yet. Still, no completed concept of Health Schools
training has been presented to become part of a suitable model for it.
Keywords. Depressive condition;risk factors;medical care;aspects of emerging depression;prevention programs.
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