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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2012 (25) arrow Cluster pathway of inter-facilities' collaboration for the sake of health of the population
Cluster pathway of inter-facilities' collaboration for the sake of health of the population Print
Monday, 02 July 2012

T.A. Siburina, G.N. Barskova, L.K. Lokhtina
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. When one considers the current state and prolems of health protection of the population of Russia, a reduced condition of  health of the population  becomes quite obvious, while the possible  role of preventive medicine grows more pronunced, which prompts certain organizational measures. It is because this reduced health level is related not only to various risk factors  derived from life conditions and life styles, as well as natural  invironmental changes,  but also is factually maintained by poor grade of preventive medicine. WHO strategies for the protection and  strengthening of peoples' health are being reconssidered here as concerns organizational and administrative means to this end. Certain tendencies in current development of world public health  speaks for keen interest for organizational tecnhologies and pathways of durable integrative inter-facilities' interaction, i.e. facilitues of different property form and different activity profiles.  Cluster interfaciities' pathway for the realization of outlined policies in public health is consIdered to fafor advanced general management here, and thus enhanced partnership of facilities of different profiles only but protects and strengthens   health resources of the population. Several illusrative examples  - at the regional level - of developmemt  of such cluster pathway  were identified in this study of ours. Opinions of heads of medical prevention centers were experts' processed and formed the very gist of this pilot study  of development of integral interactions in public health organization at a regional level. Factually, twin levels for approaching problems of health protection of the population were considered as equally expedient: federal level and regional level. The former was to foster the realization of complex task-indicating programs in national public health developing mainly nosology-wise uninvasive approach to organizational measures, its administrative potential was reduced only to the elaboration of new programs or trends in the existing ones.  The latter was to make for the practical creation of cluster of preventive facilities in a Constituent Territory to incorporate facilities of different forms of property and various spheres of healthcare activity for the sake of the population; all distinctive or even peculiar features of a Constituent Territory, its capabilities were to be taken into consideration at a regional level.

Keywords. Health protection; medicine of prevention; centers of medical prevention; strategies for health protection; cluster approach; cluster pathway; inter-facilities partnership; integrative partnership.


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1. 28-10-2020 09:12
Ðàçâèòèå ñîâðåìåííîãî îáùåñòâà è ïîëó÷åííûå àâòîðàìè ðåçóëüòàòû ëèøíèé ðàç äîêàçûâàåò î íåîáõîäèìîñòü âíåäðåíèÿ íîâîé èíòåãðèðîâàííîé ïàðàäèãìû â îðãàíèçàöèè ìåðîïðèÿòèé ïî ïðîôèëàêòèêå è îçäîðîâëåíèþ íàñåëåíèÿ. Ñåãîäíÿ êàê íèêîãäà àêòóàëüíà ïåðåîðèåíòàöèÿ ñèñòåìû çäðàâîîõðàíåíèÿ îò âûñîêî-çàòðàòíûõ ôîðì îðãàíèçàöèè è òåõíîëîãèé ëå÷åáíûõ ïðîöåññîâ, ê ðàñøèðåííûì-èíòåãðèðîâàííûì ôîðìàì ïðîôèëàêòèêè çàáîëåâàíèé. Áëàãîäàðèì çà î÷åíü ñîäåðæàòåëüíóþ è îáîñíîâàííóþ ñòàòüþ.
Written by Valeriu Pantea, MD,PhD ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) (Guest)

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