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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2012 (25) arrow Factors forming medical aid appealability
Factors forming medical aid appealability Print
Monday, 02 July 2012

S.E. Pokrovskaya
Kryzhanovsky memorial oncological outpatient clinic of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk

Summary. Aim is to specify the rationales of appealability of the population using interviewing of those patients who had already called a physician in a healthcare setting and to exclude those that were not currently committed to it (or even never committing at all). 371 calling patients were recruited for this study.

Half of the respondents stuck to active self-protective schemes of behavior admitting that any person was to be able to take steps for the benefit of own health. Confidence in meaningfulness of proper efforts for self-health protection correlated with education level, occupational status and claimed evaluation of incomes of a respondent. Marginal poverty, as well as high incomes (the latter even in a more progressive way) formed reduced motivation for health protection. Advanced education and - more considerably – family affiliation, as well as affection for the offspring produced an instigative effect for efforts to this end (it was more prominent in males). Two thirds of the respondents has sought medical care in case of falling ill - just at a local municipal facility. Healthcare activity was growing with ageing, mainly on the way of overcoming hopes for natural convalescence; those hopes were estimated as accounting for 24% in persons under 30 years of age and only 4-6% for those over 60. Interestingly enough, occasional adherence to traditional medicine as a means of self-healing factually was not altering with ageing.The prevailing medical accesses (80%) were directly motivated by health condition at the point. The individual motives varied greatly between the respondents depending on their age category. Access intention variability became more pronounced when certain administrative matters were involved. Younger generation were frequently longing for personal usage medical documents of reference or confirmation, while elderly people were often applying for revalidation of medical prescriptions, which motive was next to top-priority when seeking a medical access.

Keywords: medical aid appealability; social differentiation in access; self-protecting behaviours.


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